Top 5 Frameworks of PHP in 2020

345 views 5:39 pm 4 Comments January 22, 2020
Top 5 Frameworks of PHP in 2020

Top 5 Frameworks of PHP in 2020

top 5 Frameworks of PHP in 2020When we talk about PHP frameworks there is always question in mind that which one is best? Will this be easy to learn or not? Which one is better in performance? Security problem?
Here we mention the top 5 PHP frameworks and its features , which will sure clear our question and will help you to decide which one is best for you for your particular project.

What is PHP frameworks?

PHP frameworks is a platform for developing applications. It provides basic structure in standard way to build and deploy applications.
Frameworks help to speed up the process of development.

Why we use PHP frameworks?

PHP frameworks help to develop rapid application development (RAD), which saves developing time,help to build and deploy stable applications, reduce repetitive coding time for developer.Common idea behind PHP frameworks is MVC (model view control) structure .

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that divides application logic into three main interconnected componentsModel,View and Control.MVS divide these major component business logic and presentation layer from each other but they are dependent on each other .

Developers uses PHP frameworks for various reasons but one of the common reasons is to and reduce the repetitive coding and reusing the code.
Stability is another reasons to use PHP framework.

In this post , we are going to help you to find the best 5 PHP frameworks in 2020 for your development work. We will discuss about each PHP frameworks advantages and disadvantage with all features

Top 5 PHP frameworks in 2020

Following all are free and open source,so you can try any of them by understanding your project nature and PHP frameworks features.


Laravel is one of the popular PHP frameworks for web development and widely used although it is very young PHP frameworks. which is robust and easy to understand.It follows a model-view-controller MVC design pattern.Laravel reuses the existing components of different frameworks that helps in creating a best web application. The web application designed using Laravel is more structured and pragmatic.
Using Laravel we will make project rapidly. We will not have to make small function since we have access to user authentication, session management, and caching etc.

Advantages of Laravell

The web application becomes more scalable using the Laravel framework.
Lots of Development time saved in designing the web application, since Laravel reuses the components from other framework .
It includes standard namespaces and interfaces that helps to organize and manage resources.
Use built-in functions to handle routing, user management, caching, and plenty more
Integrate Laravel with third-party libraries and platforms such as AWS

Key Features:

  • Template Engine
  • Artisan
  • Eloquent ORM
  • Libraries & Modular
  • MVC Architecture Support
  • Migration system for databases
  • Unit-Testing
  • Security
  • Laravel has a highly-active community and online forum that means finding help or tutorials is never a challenge

CodeIgniter :

CodeIgniter is a PHP framework that uses a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture with a very small footprint, built for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. CodeIgniter was created by EllisLab, and is now a project of the British Columbia Institute of Technology.

Advantages of Codeigniter

Codeigniter is fast, reliable, lightweight and more capable, built with performance in mind.
PHP framework is an easy debug that allows you easily to get out the errors in your development.
Get started quickly, simple to learn and excellent documentation
Create scalable apps using the framework’s MVC-based architecture

Key Features:

Model-View-Controller Based System.
Extremely Light Weight.
Full Featured database classes with support for several platforms.
Query Builder Database Support.
Form and Data Validation.
Security and XSS Filtering.
Session Management.
Email Sending Class


Symfony is highly flexible. It features a bundle and component system that enables you to cherry-pick the PHP functions you need, or simply use the entire framework

Key Features: −

Model-View-Controller MVC based system
High-performance PHP framework
Flexible URI routing
Code reusable and easier to maintain
Session management
Error logging
Full-featured database classes with support for several platforms
Set of decoupled and reusable components
Standardization and interoperability of applications
Security against cross-site request forgery and other attacks
Template engine



Zend Framework(The enterprise PHP framework by the co-founders) is  also open source like other PHP frameworks  created by Zend Technologies for developing web applications and services with rapidly.

Advantages of Zend Framework

  • A lot of trust
  • Professional support

Key Features of Zend Framework

  • Highly customizable
  • For all your big data application, there is Zend
  • Efficiency and speed is simply awesome
  • Flexible Architecture


Yii is a full component-based, high-performance PHP framework for developing large-scale web applications. By using Yii you can develop  web application very rapidly.


top 5 frameworks of PHP in 2020,PHP frameworks advantages and disadvantage with all features

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