What should I learn if I want to make a website in 2020?

319 views 7:26 am 0 Comments April 11, 2020
What should I learn if I want to make a website in 2020

What should I learn if I want to make a website in 2020?

What should I learn if I want to make a website in 2020?howdy guys !!
So, you’re interested in learning how to make a website ? First of all, congratulations. You’ve made a great choice.
It’s very important to understand which type of “website” you are going to make ,what are your requirements.
Websites can have levels of complexity depending upon your requirement.
Website building requires knowledge of these two :-

Front end development

Front-end web development, also known as client-side development is the part of a website that users interact or see when the user navigates around the website, from layout,color,fonts,menu slider is a combination of HTML,CSS and JAVASCRIPT. That means in the website what users see is the front end.

HTML(Hypertext Markup Language)

HTML is the standard markup language that defines the structure and contents of a web page designed to be displayed in a web browser.
HTML is the core of any website whether it is complex or simple.It is an essential skill of web developers .we can say it is the starting point of learning the web for everyone who wants to learn web. This is easy to learn and understand to implement
To learn more about HTML and how we code HMTL, I recommend HTML For Beginners The Easy Way: Start Learning HTML Today

CSS – (Cascading Style Sheets)

CSS defines the styling/presentation of a web page ,set of rules you can specify to the HTML tags above in order to show how they appear in the web browser
HTML is the drywall, CSS is the paint.
CSS affects the entire look and tone of a web site , making it an incredibly powerful tool And also an important skill for web developers to learn.These days the term responsive website ( websites to adapt to different screen sizes and device types)is very popular, means , this all is done by CSS.


(JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, or just-in-time compiled programming language with first-class functions. While it is most well-known as the scripting language for Web pages.
JavaScript is a more complicated language than HTML or CSS, and it wasn’t released in beta form until 1995.
Nowadays,JS used on almost every site on the web for more powerful ,complex and user functionality. JavaScript is supported by all modern web browsers
(jquery, angularjs ,reactjs ,Vue etc)

Do not confuse JavaScript with the Java programming language. Both “Java” and “JavaScript” are registered trademarks of Oracle in the U.S. and other countries. However, the two programming languages have very different syntax, semantics, and uses.


Backend development

Backend development languages handle the ‘behind-the-scenes’ functionality , Back end means server side programming where you creates logical back-end and core computational logic of a website.
Back end development consist of three parts a server, an application, and a database.
Back end developer responsibilities is to communicates the server database information to the client side browser.
Client cannot see Back end work .
Back end programming langiuges are Java, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, and .Net etc.
These languages are used to create dynamic sites which are different from static sites These types of websites store database information, Content on the site is constantly changing and updating. Examples of dynamic sites include news portal, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Maps etc.

What should I learn if I want to make a website in 2020?

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